Our Mission

Our Mission

The Una Chapman Cox Foundation is dedicated to a Strong, Professional Foreign Service. Discover the core goals and values of the Cox Foundation.

Our Mission Statement

The Una Chapman Cox Foundation is dedicated to a strong professional U.S. Foreign Service. In collaboration with the Department of State and other program partners, the Foundation supports programs that enhance the recruitment, professionalism and effectiveness of the U.S. Foreign Service, improve the well-being and retention of its best employees and their families, and increase public knowledge and understanding of the Foreign Service and its role in supporting U.S. interests.

Our Impact Areas


Our recruitment programs attract those who will sustain a high quality, representative Foreign Service. Our projects support the State Department’s commitment to diversity, examine the use of internships as a recruitment tool, help build a pipeline of talent that can meet the Department’s current and future needs, and provide prospective FSOs with insights on Foreign Service life.

Current Programs

Our retention programs aim to enhance the quality of life of Foreign Service personnel and their families. The Foundation partners with the Director General of the Foreign Service and the Foreign Service Institute in implementing these programs, including professional development.

Current Programs
Public Outreach

Our public awareness programs educate the U.S. public about the vital role of the Foreign Service and build support for a globally competitive U.S. diplomacy.  Projects such as developing curricula for high school students, putting together an exhibit to mark the centenary of the Foreign Service for display in presidential libraries around the country, and recording oral histories are all examples of the Foundation’s public outreach activities.

In the Media